
Welcome to the PSN Guest Wi-Fi portal. Please follow the steps below to register for access to the Guest Wi-Fi network.

Please read our Frequently Asked Questions for further assistance.

  1. User registration

    You must first create an account by registering as a new user. Once you've registered, we'll send you an email with instructions for how to connect to the Wi-Fi network.

  2. Organisation registration

    For approved organisations: If your organisation has already been approved, you'll be able to access the Guest Wi-Fi immediately after verifying your user account.

    For organisations not yet approved: After registering as a user you will be redirected to register your organisation. Approval can take up to three business days.

  3. Connecting to the Wi-Fi network

    Once you've registered and verified your user account, you can use your username and password to connect to the "PSNG" Wi-Fi network.